On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to experience the 1904 Club down at East Lake for the Tour Championship. Arguably the best hospitality there is. Here is a random assortment of images. Feel free to ask any questions below…
On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to experience the 1904 Club down at East Lake for the Tour Championship. Arguably the best hospitality there is. Here is a random assortment of images. Feel free to ask any questions below…
looks awesome. is that salmon-ish hoody one of the new H&B offerings?
It is…it’s the thicker of the two, and it’s incredible.
Thanks. I thought so!
I recently bought that hoody as part of the Fliers club x Murray’s release and it is quite nice.
For the uninitiated, what’s the difference between 1904 Club and East Lake Golf Club?
The 1904 Club is essentially a clubhouse pass inside East Lake Golf Club during the Tour Championship. Access (and comped) food/bev, seating, access, tents, up close and personal…incredible.
For the uninitiated, what’s the difference between the 1904 Club and East Lake Golf Club?
What specifically stuck out to you that made the hospitality so memorable?