
I have some pretty cool news to share.  Actually two pieces of news.

We’ve talked about it for a long time, but I’m going to be releasing Red Clay Soul merchandise.  As of now, I have two drops scheduled for this year – one in mid-late October and one in November (towards Thanksgiving).  The drops will be themed, and they will be a mix of RCS-sourced gear and partnerships with some of the great brands that I work with.  All of the goods will be super unique, and super limited.  Additionally, I’m going to include a ‘Garage Sale’ section, where I’ll offer up some of the unique finds that need a good home.  More to come in a couple of weeks, but I wanted to give everyone a head’s up.  Be sure to check out my Instagram where you’ll see some sneak peeks…I think you’ll like what you see.

Second, I’m going to start an email newsletter.  The initial thought is that it will be a weekly release, which will be a way to experience the blog posts, but will also include some other fun content that only email subscribers will be able to see…we’re still toying around with it, but I think it’ll be something you enjoy.  For now, I’d like to ask you to sign up here.

I PROMISE I will NEVER sell your email address or do anything that I wouldn’t want to be done with mine.

I really appreciate all of you supporting Red Clay Soul through the years.  The support allows me to grow the brand in a fun, organic way that I believe meets all of our needs.  All I’ll ask from you is to continue the support, and to tell your friends!  Show off the RCS gear on Instagram (tag me and I’ll repost it), and forward the emails to your friends.  Organic growth is the best growth, as it’s the most authentic.

That’s it for today…(much) more to come!

Onward and Upward,




  1. SMB
    09/28/2022 / 5:56 PM

    Signed up and happy to support. Not sure if this platform is similar to Substack but it would be cool to allow paying subscribers first pass at the drops or include some/all of them as part of an annual fee.

  2. Travis Butchello
    09/29/2022 / 6:22 PM


    Signed up and looking forward to all of this. So much good content here for us to engage with! The garage sale section is a great idea – hoping you expand it to art, furniture, despite the struggles of shipping larger items etc. H&B drop was awesome and can’t wait for future merch drops. Keep it all coming, my friend.


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