A Case for Sport Coats (Again)

The intentionally casual dressy look is getting a little out of hand.  I’m all about comfort, but come on, guys.  I’ve seen all of the ‘athleisure’ forecasts, where there is huge upside in both men’s and women’s sectors over the next *X years, but that doesn’t mean that the look should be wholly embraced in a place of business.

There are some realities that we must face: the work-from-home era is almost over.  Any sort of health threat is essentially over, so the gens (X,Y, and Z) are running out of excuses to avoid the office.  Most of what I’m seeing is anywhere from three to five days a week in the office (most of the five-day requirements are with financial firms).  Studies are showing that the WFH environment over the last two years has led to company cultures suffering greatly, and since ‘work’ isn’t a transactional relationship, the people, which are arguably a company’s biggest asset, need to be physically around each other.

Side note: three to four days a week in the office feels right to me.  Yes, companies have invested heavily in real estate, but the last two years proved that work can get done at home.  I believe there will be a balance moving forward.

That said, it’s important to think about yourself and your employment as an opportunity.  As we continue to see more and more in-office requirements, take on the challenge and put on the sport coat.  Get your pants pressed.  Iron your shirt.  Shine your shoes.  Most likely you’ve got a closet full of great stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day in the last couple of years.  I’d encourage you to go through it and put together a work wardrobe that meets the expectations of your FUTURE.

To me, it’s about showing some reverence.  Be respectful, and put in the effort.  I treat church the same way: I always wear a coat and tie.  Not only to show respect to our Lord in his place of worship but to go through the motions.  Casual church enviornments have always felt a little off to me.

A sport coat is always appropriate, and depending on your industry, what goes with it will depend.  Sport coats dress up jeans and 5-pockets and they finish off a well-tailored pair of trousers.  There are so many pattern and fabric options that will make everyone happy.  Spend your money on a killer navy sport coat, then branch out into some tweed (winter) or linen blend (summer).  The folks that scowl are probably pissed that they have to tuck in their tech polo.

Remember: don’t play to the denominator.  Just because a dress code says ‘N/A’ or ‘Casual’, don’t be that guy.  Take your work seriously, and your work will take you seriously.



  1. Z
    09/20/2022 / 8:59 AM

    I think that both fully remote and fully in office (5 days/week on-site) will be the vast minority in terms of how work gets done in the future. I think the hybrid model is the future of work in the United States, because to your point work can get done at home but people need to physically interact with each other. So much easier to walk to someone’s desk with a question rather than pinging or calling on Team. With the push from employees to stay WFH and push from employers to get back into the office. Hybrid is the happy medium. Personally for me, I like going in 1-2 days per week. I still like being more remote than in office but think we should be in the office some. My company now has it permanently set up to be remote if you want to be, but you can reserve space in our office if you ever want to come in for meetings, working, etc.

    • H
      09/21/2022 / 5:14 AM

      This works/applies to people 35 and older. Younger kids do not even want to work. They want to be influencers or just be given everything and all the stimulus that the government has given over the past two years hasn’t pushed many people to actually work or apply much of themselves to anything. I have had a few people come in and apply for a job and when I ask about the gap in employment I am told “I have been living off the government so I did not need to work, now I need a job” – and most still don’t want to work they just want to show up and punch a clock.

  2. GJM
    09/20/2022 / 9:07 AM

    Good post. Makes me think of a partner I have who wears a jacket and tie everyday to our law firm. When asked why he does that (when everyone else is in 5 pockets and polos) he says “I think better when I’m dressed like lawyer.”

  3. JDW
    09/20/2022 / 9:08 AM

    Great piece Jay! I work in wealth management and can confirm that we are in the office 5 days a week! I’m wearing a suit and tie 3-4 days a week. Although I would really like to up my sport coat game. I’ve got a BB navy blazer and a wool/line blend from SM. I’d like to add a few more to the rotation as I really like the grey slacks and sport coat look.

  4. Bradley A. Evans
    09/20/2022 / 9:21 AM

    1000% agree with everything

  5. Logan
    09/20/2022 / 9:23 AM

    The idea of reverence and respect for your work and those you work with is a big deal to me. I’m working to impart this on my sons. So far there’s mixed results, but they’ll get there. Whenever “office casual” comes up, I’m always reminded of this episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm:


  6. Brad Wesley
    09/20/2022 / 10:26 AM

    Keep several jackets at the office but don’t wear them as much as I’d like. Situationally I do (+ tie) but tend to meet with a lot of polo/5 pocket wearers so I’m always a little hesitant to put on a jacket and come across as overdressed for the occasion. That said, now that oppressive heat and humidity is (nearly) over I’ll be wearing them more often

  7. Wk
    09/20/2022 / 10:59 AM

    Let’s up the ante beyond just putting in a coat. Yes, they are a step up from dressing in gym clothes (tech),
    Still think folks are too casual. “Dress up” Monday looks like casual Friday should. (Or at least a college campus). Coats are too unstructured and pants are, well- – – jeans.
    But it’s a step in the right direction.

  8. HL
    09/20/2022 / 11:34 AM

    Yeah so – never got tested, never got sick, never missed a day at my office. Had some employees show up with sketchy looking results so I had to give them time off. I think the world is weak mentally and no one really thought of long term effects by shutting down.

    That being said – I love blazers and always look to at least add one new one a year. Dress nice – feel nice.

  9. Tim Conlin
    09/20/2022 / 12:37 PM

    Ditto all the above, especially the “church” dress comment. Most guys look like they are dressed to mow the yard, instead of respecting a house of worship. For the office, you can still wear polos and button down shirts but when you just add a sportcoat (unstructured jacket or even a chore jacket), it just takes the whole look up a notch. Re-purpose what you already own!!!

  10. TW
    09/20/2022 / 3:51 PM

    This is spot on. In my career pre-Covid men wore suits or sport coats and ties and women wore dresses. After Covid everyone wears scrubs. I’m really the only one that still wears a coat and tie. I never wore a polo pre-Covid because it was considered too casual but will occasionally now if I don’t have meetings and now, just as a sign of the times, any time I wear a polo everyone asks why I’m so “dressed up.” That being said, the way we dress determines people’s perception of us. So I will continue to take pride in my appearance even if no one else around me seems to.

  11. Bb
    09/20/2022 / 8:11 PM

    We need a sport coat post now! Give us your “go tos”!

  12. Jason
    09/20/2022 / 8:11 PM

    Show up. Dress like an adult. Do the work. You will stand out for all the right reasons. The people who matter will notice.

  13. Robert McNamaraI
    09/22/2022 / 4:50 PM

    I completely agree with these sentiments. I almost always wear a sport coat ( navy blazer, Harris tweed etc.) and for everyone who asks
    “” what are you dressed up for”” there is someone who will nod and smile , perhaps remembering a different era. I even find myself looking for reasons to add a neck tie ( church, nice dining etc.) I find myself dismayed at modern church attire as well as that at wakes and funerals
    and finer dining.

  14. Ron Smith
    09/23/2022 / 9:35 AM

    Yes to all of this. Also: I hate to break it to you, guys, but the older you get, the worse you look in the hoodies and t-shirts. As Steve Martin said, “As the face gets worse, the clothes have to get better.”

  15. Andrew W
    09/29/2022 / 8:28 AM

    Need a recommendation for an updated navy sport coat that works with khakis, jeans and can be dressed up? Thoughts on brands, styles?

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