High Five : 02.25.2017

Five things that have my eye on this 25th day of February: 1. Chuck’s Firearms in Buckhead.  I recently did some damage here (more on that later).  It took a few trips, but the guys couldn’t be cooler.  It was a GREAT experience.  Do yourself a favor and stop by…

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Carhartt Help

  These weren’t included in the Goodwill Goods post from earlier this week, as I have a question for my readers. I found these two pairs of Carhartts that are in perfect condition (washed enough to break them in).  I’ve wanted to get a couple pair to wear on the…

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Goods from Goodwill

As most of you are aware, I frequent Goodwill quite a bit.  In the past, most of my time was spent in the mens section, looking for treasures, and having some luck.  As the real estate in my closet has become more valuable, I’ve become much more selective in the…

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“About” Red Clay Soul

Wow, What a ride. I’ve been doing Red Clay Soul for eight years.  It’s hard to believe it’s been that long.  I started on a simple Blogspot platform, then moved it over to WordPress back in 2011.  We’re long overdue for another update, so here you go.  I hope you…

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