Allow Me To Introduce: Strong Suit

A relatively new player in the suit game is Little Rock, Arkansas based Strong Suit.  They started back in Fall of 2013, and are picking up quite a bit of steam.  Their focus is a gap in the menswear world: a good suit at the $600-800 price point.  And by…

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Kickstarter: Jack Donnelly – The Great Khaki Comeback

The best thing about running Red Clay Soul has been getting to meet some outstanding people that are involved in the industry.  Gregg Donnelly is one of those people.  I’ve known Gregg for about four years now, and I’m lucky enough to call him a good friend.  Not only has…

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1000 Words: Social Primer Show

My friend Cooper, one of Charleston’s finest and the proprietor of Social Primer, is up to his old antics again.  Last week he hosted a fashion show showcasing ‘The Evening Suit,’  his American made-to-order collection.  It is outstanding.  Flamboyant but very wearable.  And as is the case with any of…

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Serious Sunday Sales

Good morning folks…Lots of good stuff out there today… Brooks Brothers is having their annual 25% off Friends and Family sale…Go here for the sale, and use code FF25.  I’m seriously digging this Shetland sweater…after the sale it’ll be $75.  Awesome deal. J. Crew is doing 25% off as well…everything.…

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