Off-season Ebay Find: Barbour

As many of you know, I’m a pretty avid Ebay-er.  I don’t buy much, but I do like the hunt.  When I do buy, it’s usually some sort of gem that I find for a ridiculous price.  My closet space is like NYC real estate – the value per square…

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A Chat With Strong Boalt

By now you are familiar with Strong Boalt, the men’s luxury swimwear line that has made an appearance on this blog, as well as quite a few others that are in the know.  Strong Boalt is the brain child of Amanda Boalt, who has a highlight-filled history in fashion.  Strong…

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Quick Hitter: State Traditions College World Series Giveaway

Tonight is a BIG night for college baseball.  Our friends at State Traditions are always asking ‘What’s your tradition?’…the good folks at Vandy and Virginia can tell you what they are thinking about tonight…winning the third game of a three-game series. To celebrate such a good State Tradition, we’ve teamed…

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American Style

Recently, it seems like they put an American flag on nearly everything, and it’s safe to say that is gets a little ‘common’.  There is nothing common about American pride. I’m a huge red, white, and blue guy, but I prefer a ‘less is more’ approach.  Too much makes you…

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