Weekender Duffles

I get luggage questions all the time, and my message is always consistent: don’t spend a ton of money on bags you check, instead spend the money on your carry-ons and weekenders.  Looking at weekend duffle bag options, there are a few things to consider.  First: size.  The bag should…

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The Natty

The National Championship is upon us.  The Bulldogs will be heading out in droves to the golden shores of Los Angeles, California.  After the win vs. OSU, the Bulldogs have a renewed sense of purpose.  That and how hard Kirby has whipped their asses in practice this week.  I don’t…

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Fowl Knits

At the risk of being a little cartoon-y, I’m really into these vintage knit sweaters…specifically the ones featuring some sort of waterfowl/pheasant/upland scene.  I don’t know why these are so cool, but they are.  I love the look, somewhat #lodgewear, but not taking yourself so seriously. You can find these…

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East Bound & Down (Part Two) by Bradley A. Evans

(Catch up with Part One here) 7th Stop – Somewhere east of Denver. 200 nerve-racking miles from Aspen. This is where the trip took a turn. The plan was to spend several days in Telluride, Taos, and Palo Duro Canyon in Amarillo. From there I’d follow Route 66 to Mickey…

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