Christmas Traditions

This time of year is really exciting for our family – both immediate and extended.  Our boys totally understand Christmas and Santa Clause, up to and including Jesus, his birthday, and why the season is important.  Seeing them learn and comprehend is something to behold.  With Christmas, I enjoy the…

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East Bound & Down (Part One) by Bradley A. Evans

The unmistakable sound of a pistol being cocked was more than I could handle. I was hiding in a rundown Motel 6 with my suitcase on my chest in case a bullet came tearing through the door. A few days earlier I was relaxing fireside at the St. Regis in…

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How To: Levis 501 Tailoring

I recommend 501s all the time because of one reason: they are incredible jeans.  Not because they are the highest quality denim, not because they have the ‘best’ fit, and not because they are high fashion.  I love them because I feel good when I wear them.  They are an…

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Scenes: Pheasant Hunt

Dates: December 9-11 Upland Inn Hunts Greensburg, Kansas Limits: 4/man (aggregate). Day One: The weather was cool, and the wind was somewhat down (~8-10mph with gusts to ~20mph).  Everyone was jacked for the first few pushes, and we got to ~15 birds quickly.  We pushed a couple more rows but…

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