RCS Gift Guide #3: Charleston, SC

Charleston is and has been one of my favorite cities for a LONG time.  And in those 20 or so years, I’ve seen it change in a lot of ways – both up and out.  Locals don’t like us big city folks coming to visit, but largely I think they…

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The Funeral

There is a BIG part of me that misses the “Clean, Old Fashioned Hate” years of the UGA vs. Georgia Tech rivalry.  It was so much fun to see the teams beat the literal sh!t out of each other in an effort to claim the Georgia Football Championship. Those days…

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In Hand: Res Ipsa’s Kilim Clogs

It makes me happy to see the Birkenstock Boston resurgence.  I had a pair in high school and actually wore them quite a bit.  The clog look isn’t for everyone, but neither is the Jesus sandal.  It’s a personal preference. My dear friends at Res Ipsa have created something that…

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Thanksgiving Week

At the risk of sounding cliche, I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is already here. Mrs. RCS and I are both working at the start of the week (her on Monday and Tuesday, me on Monday), and our kids are in school on Monday through Wednesday.  Both of our companies are…

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