Duck Camp Fall 2022

The fine folks at Duck Camp have one-upped themselves again this Fall.  They have been slow-rolling their new colder-weather gear over the last month, and it’s all fantastic.  The designs, materials, and color ways are thoughtful, and the price points are much more digestible vs. brands in their band. Some…

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  Alright, Team: today is the LAST DAY to get stocked up from the Holderness & Bourne X Red Clay Soul Fall ’22 drop.  These collaborations are so fun, and it’s such a pleasure to work with the team at Holderness & Bourne.  To those of you that have (or…

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Auburn Weekend

Welcome to Athens, Auburn fans!  While I know it can be intimidating in the Classic City playing the Dawgs, the last thing you need to worry about is your style – because I’m here to help.  I want to give you that ‘push’ to dig deep and show out while…

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In Hand: Withernot Corduroy Shorts

I really enjoy working with the team at Withernot.  Not only do they make some of the coolest rugby shirts on the market, but they are an innovative group that is willing to try new things.  They recently released a selection of Organic Corduroy Shorts, and they fit right in.…

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