Orvis 1971 Duck Camo

As most of you have noticed, Orvis has been absolutely crushing it over the last couple of years.  What felt like three or four different brands has transformed into a single, cohesive brand that is churning out some incredible products.  While the feel of Orvis is ‘heritage’, the releases are…

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New Fall Coats

Being that I’ve been a sport coat guy for a long time, my collection has gotten pretty big.  Over the last dozen years (or so) a significant portion of my closet is filled with beauties that have great memories but may not get as much wear as they used to. …

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A Great Old Timer

Mrs. RCS continues to surprise me. One of the most influential men in my life was my Grandad on my mother’s side.  He was one of the hardest men I’ve ever known, and I admired him immensely.  He raised my mother and her sister an hour south of Charlotte, NC…

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Fall is coming, which means it’s vest season.  While the #midtownuniform is pretty much over (read: Better Sweaters), vests have become a pretty consistent piece over the last few years.  Even in a casual environment, vests are a critical piece for us guys.  They can be dressed up or down,…

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