Navy SEALs & Tweed Jackets by Bradley A. Evans

I was a few minutes from the steakhouse when I realized I didn’t have my sports jacket. This wasn’t a meeting or a restaurant where a gentleman dines without a jacket; I was meeting a banker: late 50s, debonair, sinewy—a former Navy SEAL with an aggressive jawline and a mischievous…

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A Look Around: Louie Style in Boston

My friends at Louie in Boston have quite a place, and Fall is their sweet spot.  They take ‘colder weather’ a little differently than we do down here. My friend Bill (yes, that Bill – of @larossa_shoe)’s retail spot is the nirvana for us #menswear aficionados.  He carries so many…

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PMGN: UGA at Texas

This is what we asked for.  This is what we want.  A major SEC game kicking off at 7:30PM ET in one of the coolest cities in the US.  All college football fans will be watching the Bulldogs take on the Longhorns in what is sure to be a decisive…

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FRIDAY JAMS W/ TURTLEBOX: Influences – George Jones & Randy Travis (1991)

Back at it with Turtlebox on this Friday morning… You’d be hard-pressed to find two better Saturday Night Gold country singers, and on the same stage. This is a good one, folks. Sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee with Randy and George. Good Lord this is good…

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