Boot Season

I make one exception for wearing socks: boots.  You can’t do boots without socks.  There really isn’t a boot season anymore, as they are a part of any long-pants wardrobe.  That said, colder weather lends itself to many more boot options.  I like to think there are three categories of…

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I’ve been a big fan of the Omega Speedmaster for quite some time.  First introduced in 1957 as a sports and racing chronograph, it has a storied history including being the first watch to walk on the moon. Time and Watches did an excellent historical piece on the Speedmaster.  An…

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I am giddy.  College Football Season is FINALLY here.  There are a few times a year where I have a visceral feeling…and at the start of Fall, on that first Saturday when all the talking stops, and the playing starts. Mrs. RCS and I bought a house, and this will be…

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Atlanta: Vince Dooley Signing at Onward Reserve This Friday

Team – the Legendary Vince Dooley will be signing his Penley book at the Onward Reserve store in Buckhead this Friday from 4-6PM.  To top it off, the Varsity will be on hand to quench that college football pallet. Onward Reserve is located at 3072 Early Street NW, Atlanta, GA…

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