History Lesson: The American Flag

The American flag has been our symbol of unity and strength for 240 years. Displaying the flag is a source of American pride and inspiration for all citizens. It is the symbol of the ‘shining city on the hill’. The flag itself has a unique history, which started back in…

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4th of July Style

Celebrate the Red, White, and Blue with some Red, White, and Blue…here’s what we like from Red Clay Soul headquarters: From top left: 1. State Traditions America Cap:  Get it now and break it in. 2. Randolph Engineering Aviator II Sunglasses:  Made in the USA…as good as it gets. 3.…

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July 4th Sale Roundup

Image: Deviant Art Of course you are going to tear it up at the pool/lake/beach this weekend.  Of course you are going to grill out.  Of course you are going to shoot off some fireworks.  And of course you are going to take advantage of the huge sales that are…

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4th of July BBQ Help

With the 4th of July weekend upon us, it’s time to start thinking about your grocery list, and what you’d like to serve at your backyard BBQ.  Mrs. RCS and I are taking it easy this weekend, as we’re loaded up the rest of July (more on that later).  We…

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