I Went To The Woods Because I Wished To Live Deliberately – Orvis Trout Bum

I really enjoy working with such a great company like Orvis.  They are making huge strides in the #menswear arena, and remain a cut above when it comes to what they are known for: outdoors.  Their new Trout Bum line is out of this world…anyone who has seen the sections…

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The Custom Needlepoint Belt Option

The Smathers and Branson needlepoint belts are really works of art.  The designs are crisp, the colors are bright, and the leather backing is really nice for a $165 belt.  I love the look…I have a TON of (let’s call them) emblematic belts, but I’m being drawn to these S&B belts…

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Ready To Rumble: Mullet Toss Weekend

Y’all ready to rock?  It’s Mullet Toss weekend in Orange Beach, AL.  Head on down to Flora-Bama and partake…  If you’ve never done it, it’s worth the trip.  What is Mullet Toss?  It’s simple, really: you throw a fish as far as you can.  If you’ve been before, you probably…

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The Social Primer Charleston Blazer Collection (Behind the Scenes)

My friend Cooper…what can I say.  I’ve been reading his blog Social Primer for as long as I can remember.  I met Cooper about three years ago right after he launched his bow tie collection with Brooks Brothers, and we became fast friends.  Cooper has a style all his own,…

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