Dad Update: School’s Back

With the Summer coming to a close, and school in session for both(!) of our boys, it seems that we are getting into the routine portion of our schedules.  We’ve gotten to a really good spot, and are enjoying this season of our lives.

Our oldest is in first grade and doing great.  He’s a typical first born boy: smart, type-A, self-sufficient, competitive, and serious.  He really enjoys school and learning; he actually gets really excited about it, which has been a lot of fun.  We aren’t too worried about him from an academic standpoint.  Our youngest starts formal Private-Kindergarten this week, and he’s excited to get going.  Since both of our boys have Summer birthdays, we held them back a year from starting with actual elementary school.  This has paid off well, as they both are a bit more mature and I’m sure their teachers have and will appreciate this as well. I’m excited for #2 to get going…of course we worry he’s going to struggle adjusting to straight structured learning vs structured playtime. But we know his teacher well, and she’s a no-nonsense person (which is going to be great for our little guy).  Mrs. RCS and I will have to work hard and reinforce listening and learning vs listening and playing, but I’m optimistic that this is going to be a good year for our guys.

We didn’t do Summer sports this year, could be the last year we get away with that and we made the most of it- our boys love the pool, golf, tennis, and play dates.  I wasn’t going to force them into anything as not to discourage/fight getting them out on the field.  We spent a ton of time at the pool an with friends, and quite a bit of time swinging the golf clubs.  I’m glad that the boys have taken to golf – it’s something I’ll be able to share for as long as I can go.  Our boys both upgraded bikes this Summer, with our oldest getting a gear bike.  He thinks he’s the coolest kid in the cul-de-sac.  It’s actually hilarious.  We’re doing Fall soccer at the church, and both are extremely excited about it.  That runs through mid-October, and then we’ll get back into sports in the Spring – baseball, baby.  Our guys are huge baseball fans…which is great.

Fall Break is just around the corner, and we’re working on getting something planned. We are hoping to sneak away with the boys if work slows a bit to allow.  Our long weekend sitters are out of commission this fall, but Mrs. RCS and I hope to sneak away for our annual kid-free trip to Greystone in November.  I’ll steal a quick trip to Hotel Sylva or Bridge Creek Inn for a night…and Mrs. RCS has a girl’s trip at some point.  That’ll be it for travel for us until late this year.  We’ve got a bunch of projects around the house that we’re going to tackle this Fall, which I’m excited to make progress on.

I am taking a year off of long-range hunting trips.  No Missouri or Kansas for me this year.  Mrs. RCS and I had a good talk about it, and she encouraged more local one-night trips…she said ‘focus on what you love doing’, and I’m taking her advice..  Dove shoots in September, quick hitters to Western NC or North Georgia for fly fishing, or south to hunt quail or duck.  I like the idea, and I’m getting all this dialed in now.  Speaking of hunting and fishing, I’m doing a major purge of all my gear.  The pile has started taking over, and I need to seriously dial it back.  Be on the lookout.

Other than that, we’re just taking it as it comes, and enjoying every minute.  Fall is always great in our house…lots of college football and Braves games, grilling out, and enjoying the cooler weather.  It should be a fun few months until we get Thanksgiving and then Christmas…

Hope y’all are doing well,



1 Comment

  1. Jim F
    08/23/2024 / 8:45 AM

    Thanks for sharing such a nice post. Happy for you all. As a Dad who is dropping off my daughter at the airport shortly to start her sophomore year of college, I’ll just say savor it. It goes so quickly.

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