Fall is on the way…it’s (finally) College Football Season, the temperature is dropping, and it’s getting dark a little earlier. Everyone has your standard belt – leather, brass (or silver) buckle, etc. A belt can make an outfit – a somewhat ‘understated’ way to add some punch. Some RCS suggestions for Fall belts:
Cole Haan Wellington: Cool buckle.

Smathers & Branson Redfish: Excellent (darker) cold-weather option for a needlepoint.

Orvis Chocolate Suede Bucks Belt: Everyone should have a pair of suede dress shoes. Get the belt to match.
Stafford’s Quail Ribbon Belt: Flying through the tall Georgia pines.
Beretta Hoof Pick Belt: The silver pick dresses it up.
Love the Redfish and Quail Ribbon belts for myself!