For those occasions that don’t have your spirit of choice readily available, here are a few options for keeping some on your hip:
Silver Fish Flask from Orvis

Hip Flask from Barbour
Leather Flask from Mulholland
Century Sterling Silver Flask from Tiffany & Co.
The plastic flask from every liquor store you’ve ever visited
There are plenty of places where a flask is needed, and quite a few reasons for giving a flask. A personalized flask is a great groomsman’s gift. The plastic version makes its way into every college football game Saturdays in the Fall (the 10 oz. version fits well inside your boot).
I have a couple – a pewter one that my Big Brother gave me after I initiated, and sliver one very similar to the Orvis Fish one above – it gets quite a bit of use on the golf course.
Need a reason to toast? Why not have something nice handy?
You know, I am all about the flask in concept, but having been in possession of one for a while, I have gotten very little use out of. As proper flask etiquette seems to indicate that one shouldn't use a flask at an event that already has alcohol, I rarely find myself in social situations in which alcohol consumption seems appropriate where it is not already provided. Dry weddings being about the only exception.
I was given one years ago that was made by Colibri. Very nice.
The most use mine gets is late season dove hunts. It's always nice to have a nip of bourbon about mid morning on a really cold late December day.
Mine makes lots of trips to the movie theatre, church events (I'm Anglican it's OK), work functions where a little nip is OK but not provided, etc.
A must for a college football game….
I got a stainless steel one from a Glenlivet gift set my father bought me last year, it mainly gets filled up for weddings, sporting events, and hunting. Occasionally for parties if I know it's just gonna be beer and I want something else. For the price though, I'd go with that Barbour.
I've found that the Barbour Beaufort's rear game pocket is the ultimate flask
My wife & I have a pretty old Tiffany & Co. Sterling flask that we got inherited from her mom in Pa. It originally belonged to a man who married one of the Woolworth granddaughters. I never knew it was worth anything til I Googled it. Wow!!
My wife & I have a pretty old Tiffany & Co. Sterling flask that we inherited from her mom in Pa. It originally belonged to a man who married one of the Woolworth granddaughters. I never knew it was worth anything til I Googled it. Wow!!