I like monograms – not in the sense that I have everything I own personalized, but I do like to have a few shirts and some other stuff with added flare. I have four shirts with monograms, and a bunch of accessories – handkerchiefs, wallets, money clips, and belt buckles. I’m not a big fan of logos – especially on dress shirts, but for some reason like the personalization.
Most of the monograms I have are pretty standard – the block letters or diamond in navy blue on the shirt pocket or cuff, or my initials on my other stuff. I’ve got a few shirts I’d like to get done – this time with something more unique.
I really like #9 and #37C.


From Unique Custom Shirts
I like #55 and #56

I really like ‘Cicero Leaves’ – very Fred Perry. I also like ‘Surround Round’. I could see this on in red on a blue OCBD.
From Nita Fashions
Nita knows what she is doing – I like a lot of these: #5, #8, #14, #23, #24, #25, #26, #31, and #35.
There are a few other items that may be worth personalizing:
…I’m sure there’s more…
Good post. I'm all about the monogramming as I don't like logos on my shirts unless its a polo oxford or perlis polo.
On the standard shirts (white blue pink) I traditionally the do the monogram in the shirt color. It's subtle and professional.
In stripe, check or tattersall, I choose the least used color and do the monogram that way.Or in a contrast – blue and white shirt, yellow monogram. Blue red and light blue tattersall, light blue monogram.
Makes your own logo…