Resolutions: Mid-Year Review

Earlier this year, I published my list of Resolutions for 2024.  More of a list of lifestyle ‘upgrades’, they are all things/goals/aspirations that I’d like to set as goals for getting more out of my livelihood.  Given that I shared it with all of you, I thought I’d give a mid-year update.  For reference, I did a post Q1 quarterly review here.

Here’s where I am:

Up my dress code by one level in all situations.  Post-covid athleisure is coming to a close in the natural menswear cycle.  I’m excited to be ahead of the curve.

Still pressing.  I’m in the office a few days a week, and am still pushing hard with dry cleaned clothes, etc.  Given that we are in the heat of the summer, I’ve been incorporating polos, but sticking with all cotton (Mashburn, Draddy, H&B).  They look so much better vs. tech, and are actually a lot more comfortable.  I’m toying with the idea of some styling sneakers (running shoes, not club shoes), but can’t make up my mind.  I got these from Martin Dingman, and will start to get these into the rotation now.

More camera/glass use (vs iPhone).  I have such wonderful camera equipment and glass, I need to get back into using them.  Yes, the iPhone is amazing and convenient, but I do enjoy the process of camera photography.  I went ahead and bought a waterproof pouch for my fly fishing bag to hold my X100T, and moved the rest of my equipment front and center.

I’m failing here.  I’m going to make this a priority in Q3-Q4.

Raise my daily calorie burn by 50-100%.  I’m getting old.  Daily exercise, calisthenics, and stretching need to be an area of focus.

Still on track.  I’m really enjoying the Whoop, especially the impacts of lifestyle choices on recovery (drinking, low strain, high strain, etc.).  I’m really enjoying stretching sessions.  My back feels great and I’ve never hit the golf ball further (without swinging so hard).

Maintain a 32” waist.  This is more about an intentional diet: cutting out the sh!t and focusing on consuming the good stuff.

Good strides, but still a way to go.  Along with cardio, I do my best to limit carbs and sugar.  It’s pretty easy in the summer, but I make up for it with all the beers/white wine at the pool.  The good news is that I haven’t gone UP in waist size, but I’d like to see some reductions in the dad bod.

Buy an adult Tuxedo (and all the fixin’s).  It’s time.  I have a great tux from the early Ludlow line from J. Crew, but it’s time to up the game.  I’ve already talked to my buddies at Miller Brothers, and we are cooking something up…

I haven’t done the full tux yet, but it’s on the docket with my friends at Miller Brothers in the coming months.

Read an entertaining book a month.  Reduce scrolling…especially right before bed.  I’m starting with ‘Fare The Well‘, and have ‘Mile Marker Zero‘ on deck.

Zero progress here.  I feel like a loser, but I just don’t have that much time.

Be more intentional about managing a daily routine – including scheduling (work focus, breathing, daily devotion, exercise, etc.).  I have become very reactive in my daily routine.  I always have a million things going on, and my to-do list is relentless.  I intend to develop and implement methods to take back control of my day.  Be intentional.  Organize my time and focus.  Prioritize.

No updates here since my Q1 review: I’m still tinkering with this one, but it’s something I think about daily.  So far so good, but it’s not where I want it to be.  I’d love to incorporate AI somehow…if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.  I’m all ears.

Take my boys on their first overnight camping trip.  I am more excited than they are.  It’s time for fishing, hiking, throwing rocks, learning about nature and creation, building fires, ghost stories…  Yep.

We did it!  We did a weekend at Blalock with the boys, and had a BLAST.  Fishing, campfires, swimming, staying up late, watching the Braves, porch sittin’, etc.  We’re going back this Fall…

Avoid all mass media.  At this point, I don’t know how anyone can argue that any form of mass media adds any value whatsoever.  It’s worthless.  Cut.

I’m still knocking this out of the park.  At this point it’s second nature.

More phone calls vs. Texts.  Feelings and inferences can’t be replaced by text messages and emojis.  I seriously value the art of conversation.

Same update as Q1 review, as it’s started to become an intentional habit: I’ve done well here.  I make it a point to speak on the phone with a couple buddies a week, and it’s been great!  The connections have been very fulfilling, and deepened my friendships with guys who I’m already close with.  The plan is to keep the upward trajectory here.

Get to a single-digit handicap.  I’m not too far off, but the story here is that my course has been closed for the last year for renovations.  I miss it and want to ensure that I’m focusing on playing AND practicing when we open back up in March.

Getting there.  When it all lines up I should be a single digit guy, but I’m currently having issues with my grip and alignment (pushing right).  I need to go get a tune up with my pro.  I would say that my trajectory is towards single digit, and I’m hopeful that I get there before EOY.

HEAVY purge of my mountain of hunting/fishing gear.  Get to fewer, high-quality pieces that are made for heavy use (vs. lots of cheap filler).  My first quail hunt was eight years ago last week, and since then I have accumulated a TON of hunting and fishing gear.  Time to reduce and refine.

Same update: In progress.  Be on the lookout for an RCS Flea coming soon…

OVERALL: Still sitting at a satisfactory rating.  Making good progress on the aggregate, but there are areas that need more focus (reading, organization, purging).  I am happy with the fitness and diet results.  I feel a lot better, but still feel like I have a ways to go.  More to come.

Feedback welcome.



  1. Daniel
    07/24/2024 / 9:59 AM

    Idea to help with the book reading, and a way to foster some community as well. Maybe you could do a RCS book club where you pick a book and the community reads together and discusses. Could do it on GroupMe/Discord/etc. Could do one a month or one a quarter, something along those lines.

    • JRS
      07/24/2024 / 7:10 PM

      That’s actually not a bad idea. We are a good community…

      • PDB
        07/25/2024 / 8:49 AM

        As an avid reader, I’d be totally down with this.

    • William Shramek
      07/24/2024 / 7:49 PM


  2. 07/24/2024 / 12:24 PM

    The ones your not as happy with your progress… how do those align with Mrs. RCS’s goals? If she’s into it, something like reading can very easily turn into something you do “together” — for example, my wife and I, rather than watching TV together at night after our kids go to sleep, finish cleaning up, etc., sit down and read next to each other for an hour or so. Sometimes we’ll listen to the same audiobook, but most of the time she’s reading some “romantasy” novel and I’ve got something of my own. Nice way to wind down at the end of the day, and we’re close enough to feel like we’re still spending time with each other .

    Sure, it’s lame — but it works for us.

    • JRS
      07/24/2024 / 7:12 PM

      She’s in. I would say that our resolutions/goals are about 70% aligned – mostly in the health arena. I do like the idea of reading together…we used to do that on the beach (pre-kids) and I remember feeling so relaxed.

  3. ABW
    07/24/2024 / 12:56 PM

    I try to read books as well, but do find it hard sometimes. Especially with a 4 month old. I honestly think a nook would help out in this area, just because it would be easier to hold my daughter and the ‘book’ at the same time lol.

    Something I do have success with as far as reading vs. scrolling goes is magazines. Subscribe to several of them. They are pretty cheap at this point and easy to get a quick reading session in. It just feels nice to read something not on a screen. I am a big fan of TX Monthly but that obviously isn’t for everyone.

  4. Derek Zisser
    07/24/2024 / 2:26 PM

    Fare thee well is entertaining and disappointing. I cant look at Phil the same way since reading it.

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