Thanksgiving Week

At the risk of sounding cliche, I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is already here.

Mrs. RCS and I are both working at the start of the week (her on Monday and Tuesday, me on Monday), and our kids are in school on Monday through Wednesday.  Both of our companies are toned down this week, so I don’t expect any high-stress meetings for either of us.

This is for another post, but it feels like the world is getting back to some sort of normalcy.  While the first couple years of the pandemic were stressful and weird, coming out of it and going back to normal day-to-day is an equally as weird transition.  That said, Mrs. RCS has asked for a low-stress week.  She isn’t cooking for Thanksgiving, and we aren’t traveling.  We have reservations at our club for Thanksgiving brunch, going home for naps, then heading over to her folk’s house, where we’ll do a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (fried turkey, stuffing, etc….they are FANTASTIC cooks, so it’ll be GREAT).  We’ll leave the boys there for the night.  Our oldest got a new fishing pole, so he’s excited to go use it with his Pops in their neighborhood pond.

From a macro perspective, this is what our week looks like:

Monday: Work
Tuesday: Me fishing (Hooch)
Wednesday: Fly fishing date in Ellijay with Mrs. RCS
Thursday: Thanksgiving Brunch at the club, followed by Thanksgiving Dinner at Mrs. RCS folks house.  Our boys will stay the night for ‘Camp Gigi’.  They are REALLY excited.
Friday: Golf (weather permitting)
Weekend: TBD…

I really like the Thanksgiving break.  It’s never been a really busy holiday for me or my family, instead an opportunity to rest and recharge.  What’s so nice about today is that virtually ALL of our Christmas shopping can be done online.  There are zero reasons to fight crowds at Wal-Mart for $100 off a big-screen TV at 4:30 AM.  Effectively any company that means anything to you is already having some sort of Black Friday sale, so take advantage!  It goes without saying – support those small businesses, folks.  Of course, they have an online presence, but go stop by.  Buy something.  Enjoy the experience.

There are plenty of external stressors that do what they can to creep into our consciousness, so it’s smart to take these breaks and make the most of them.  That’s what we are doing this week.  Don’t let the small, petty stuff bother you.

Lastly – I’m so thankful for all of you.  This has by far been the best year in RCS history by every metric available, and it’s ALL because of the readers.  Growth decisions and resource investments are all based on our engagement, and I’m so optimistic about what’s yet to come.  We officially launched merchandise this year (go buy something!), and we are working on different methods to expand our reach and increase engagement.  You guys keep reading, and we’ll keep producing content.

Here’s to a great week,




  1. CCE
    11/21/2022 / 8:14 AM

    If you need weekend plans you can plan to watch Tech ramble on to victory!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Taylor
      11/21/2022 / 8:50 AM

      Go Jackets!

    • Stacy Shaffer
      11/21/2022 / 8:54 AM

      In our wildest dreams CCE! But there’s always hope. Enjoy your holiday, RCS family.

      • CCE
        11/27/2022 / 2:09 PM

        Hey the 1st quarter looked real good for the Jackets! Now on to ACC basketball….

  2. PDB
    11/21/2022 / 8:58 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving, RCS. We usually host, but this year decided to head to Martha’s Vineyard for a restful and relaxing week. I’ll keep my eyes open for some #parkinglotporn.


  3. Tim Conlin
    11/21/2022 / 9:18 AM

    I think you forgot one very important Thanksgiving tradtition…”Rivalry Week” in college football. The games are better than 90% of the bowl games and most of the games are about state pride. Put your feet up, pour a splash of “brown water” and enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. RCS!

  4. Brad Wesley
    11/21/2022 / 9:33 AM

    Making it a short trip to the in-laws this year on account of bad weather surely cancelling our regular Black Friday clay shoot and the FSU/UF game, oddly, playing on Friday this year.

    Happy Thanksgiving to the RCS fam

  5. Francis McIver
    11/21/2022 / 10:43 AM

    Chill Thanksgiving.

    This is the way!

  6. Barry
    11/21/2022 / 9:40 PM

    Thanksgiving leftovers are the best

  7. PMO
    11/25/2022 / 3:05 PM

    RCS – I’m thankful for your blog or whatever the kids call this now. I can’t imagine how much stuff I’ve purchased because you posted something about it and you liked it. I’m here now because I want to get a someone a knife and I remembered how you write about Benchmade. I’ve gotten Oak Street shoes and tons of golf gift ideas. So, thank you!!!!

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