Eye Candy: Vintage Corduroy Hats

A round up of some of the coolest, and often forgotten relic of the glorious 80’s and 90’s…especially in fraternity culture:  Corduroy hats.  These ran the show during the colder months, and usually trickled into the Spring, as they were perfectly broken in.  They never matched anything.  They had an…

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Spring Kicks

Ahh…Spring is here.  Time to enjoy a rebirth; not only for the beautiful foliage, The Masters, and longer days, but also for you ankles.  #SansSocks weather is back, so let’s take full advantage.  A lot of your loafers and sandals have found their way to the back of the closet.…

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Show Us Your Best Dog (With Orvis)

As anyone who as read this blog for longer than two sentences knows that we are a very dog-friendly establishment.  Dogs are always welcome, and encouraged.  You’ve all watched our beloved #FrankDawg grow up over the last year and a half via Instagram, and he has become a beloved member…

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For Discussion: My Final Four

I did my bracket, and I’m all set.  For discussion, here are my final four picks…Thanks for the lids, State Traditions.  I’d like to apologize in advance for jinxing these teams, as it’s usually better to light a $20 bill on fire than watch my bracket.  Less of a calorie…

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