2014 World Series: Baby, It’s a Wild World

It all starts tonight, folks.  Two Wild Card teams…Neither of which are the Yankees, Cardinals, or any other huge market team.  Who do you pick?  In how many games? RCS Pick:  Royals in 5, and ESPN hates every minute of it.

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Picking a Winner: Jack Donnelly

When Gregg first told me that he was launching a Kickstarter campaign for Jack Donnelly, I knew immediately that he would KILL it.  As a long time customer, I can attest to the quality and fit of the khakis.  They have one of the best value propositions in the #menswear terrordome.…

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Sleeves are so overrated right now.  On outerwear only…seriously.  With the temperatures still hitting the 70s at peak of the day, Barbour season remains a little prohibitive, but the 40s and 50s in the AM make vest weather just right.  In terms of style and function, vests are all over…

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Saturday Stuff

Happy Saturday, folks.  Lots of good stuff going on on RCS land.  I’ve got some super new brands to talk about over the next couple of weeks, a new ten part series that I think you’ll all get a kick out of, and I’ve had some really good luck at…

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