Fall Golf

The temperatures are cooling off, but that doesn’t mean that golf stops.  In fact, this is one of my favorite times of the year to play.  I like the crisp Fall air in the morning, and the warm breezy air in the afternoon.  It beats the humidity of Spring and…

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I have some pretty cool news to share.  Actually two pieces of news. We’ve talked about it for a long time, but I’m going to be releasing Red Clay Soul merchandise.  As of now, I have two drops scheduled for this year – one in mid-late October and one in…

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Dave Ruins Art

I accidentally came across this and knew I had to post.  I have zero affiliation with @daveruinsart.  Among other things, he finds discarded art at thrift stores and adds some Star Wars.  Incredible:

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Belt Extension Magic

I was perusing eBay not too long ago and came across this extremely cool Smathers & Branson needlepoint belt for the 2001 Walker Cup at Ocean Forest.  Legitimately one of the coolest belts I’ve ever seen.  I’m a huge Walker Cup fan, Ocean Forest is on my bucket list, and…

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