In Hand: Benchmade

For as long as I can remember, I’ve carried a pocket knife.  My Granddad carried one, and I thought he was the coolest guy ever, and I wanted to be like him.  He was the kind of guy that grew a garden, repaired lawn mower engines, had two garages on…

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They’re Back: Resoled Chacos

A while back I wrote about my Chacos, and how the sole was starting to peel away from the shoe.  As I mentioned, I fish in these, and was really anxious to get them back, as we are getting into prime time Summer fishing season…there’s nothing like early morning or…

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How To Wear White

Since we are deep in the grips of summer, one color that doesn’t seem to get a lot of attention when exploring outfits and looks is white.  It’s simple enough, but seems to get overlooked by a lot of guys, outside of a white polo and a white oxford.  Quite…

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The Duck Camp Scout Shorts

It’s well documented that I’m a huge Baggies fan.  As a dad, they are fantastic for post-work and weekend wear, paired with a polo or a t-shirt.  Add in some flip flops and I’m ready for whatever my boys throw at me, or if I’m thrown in the pool.  It’s…

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