More Than A Pretty Face

  The Utility of ‘Sport Utility Vehicles’.  It’s no secret that I’m completely obsessed with these works of art, but I don’t own one (yet).  I love the idea of a project, and this would fill that niche. Instead of the typical street-legal options, what if I went with something…

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RCS Review: The Oak Street Bootmakers Bit Loafers

Remember that post I did on Bit Loafers?  Well, my closet is in a constant state of evolution.  In some years the wardrobe evolves more than others, but there’s always movement.  I’m currently doing some serious re-evaluation in every aspect of my wardrobe – just like Notre Dame is doing…

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Dressed Up: Exploding Jackets

It’s great that the scope of menswear has completely accepted the sport coat as a standard.  We’re way beyond the Navy Blazer at this point.  Given the exposure and that general acceptance of these jackets gives way for some bolder options.  By ‘bold’, I mean deep plaids, stripes, checks, and…

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A Goodwill Cherry: Kiton

Well, I struck gold yesterday at Goodwill.  It was a random Goodwill, that usually yields nothing.  I had a half hour to kill, so I stuck my head in the door.  As expected, I didn’t find anything until I was walking out, and there was a rolling rack that was…

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