Top 10 Movies for When She’s Out Of Town

Meeting that special someone is a momentous occasion.  Not only do you get the butterflies, a partner, and eventually a roommate, but your life changes – mostly for the better.  All of a sudden, it’s ‘us’, not ‘me’.  While 99% of that is absolutely outstanding, and something that we all…

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The RCS Review: Sturgill Simpson’s ‘A Sailor’s Guide to Earth’

From our music guru JH: There have been a million bands in the history of rock and roll.  Of that million, probably one percent of those bands have released an album of any notoriety or greatness.  The good news is: Sturgill Simpson is one of those guys.  The bad news:…

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Late 90’s – Early 00’s Fraternity Style

It’s funny to look back at certain points in time: specific periods in your life, and directionally changing events that influence the future course of your life.  For a lot of us, it’s when we left home for college and pledged a fraternity.  Not only was it a tough decision,…

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And The Winner of the #GeorgiaBBQ Bracket Challenge Is…

A BIG congratulations to Hot Thomas’ BBQ in Watkinsville, GA for taking the crown as the 2016 #GeorgiaBBQ Bracket Challenge.  At 10:03PM ET, this was the final tally: Next time you are heading out to the Classic City, be sure to stop by say hello. Thanks to runner up Lane’s…

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