Golf Course Gear

Some of my favorite spots on Instagram are @tourvisor , @pantloopparty, @golfjunkdrawer , and @puttercovercollector . I like seeing scores from courses.  I have done a few of these, and thought it was a good idea to create a space where folks can submit images of their own.  There are…

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Softer Spikes

Golf is a funny hobby.  While it’s true that we’ll open our wallets for any opportunity to shave off a few strokes, there’s also a sense of personal style that isn’t around in other sports.  Golf gives us the opportunity to express our personal style.  Personally, I like a more…

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US Flag Etiquette

Given that July 4th is just around the corner, now seems as good a time as any to publish a little refresher on proper US flag etiquette.  This flag, Old Glory, is the symbol of America, I believe in treating it appropriately and with the respect it deserves.  So here…

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The Wm. Lamb & Son Quail Feather Belt

Every once in a while, you come across something that needs to get on the blog ASAP.  I recently came across the Wm. Lamb & Son Quail Buckle and had to get it posted.  What a GREAT looking buckle. Very unique, and right in line with my 2017 initiative of…

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