I take my luggage seriously. Ever since I got a set of really nice Eddie Bauer duffle bags in the mid-90’s, I’ve understood the value of having good bags. Side note – those Eddie Bauer bags were awesome. Not sure what happened to them – Eddie Bauer or the bags. Another story for another time.
While I buy most of my bags new, there is something to be said for cool, vintage logo. The old Orvis Battinkill stuff is outstanding, especially the cream canvas (vs. green). The older Filson gear is great, but the cost has started to outweigh the value…a little rich for my blood.
In doing some eBay searches, I came across three vintage camo duffles that are absolutely worthy of mentioning…they all have a Ball and Buck feel, but with built-in patina. The honest answer is that these are going to be really hard to pass up. Mrs. RCS has implemented a “one in, one out” rule on luggage, so I’ve got to take some inventory and see what’s what…
First up, this beauty from LL Bean:
Second, a no-name duffle that is a good size:
Last, this square duffle from Bob Allen. They did a lot of Ducks Unlimited bags back in the day.
Buying these is a risk, as they’ll probably need a serious wash and some minor repairs. Still, though. Imagine pairing one of these with a duffle from Filson or Wren & Ivy…fantastic. At under a hundred bucks each, it’s hard to beat…
What say you? Are you a fan?
P L E A S E S U P P O R T O U R P A R T N E R S :
Funny enough I just got to hunting down a good duffel bag on eBay this last week. Saw some of the ones you mentioned I think. Ended up finding an LL bean one one Poshmark for a steal.