Christmas Lights

It’s officially Christmas season, folks. The time for ‘Christmas Vacation’, and Christmas lights. Enjoy:

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Catching Up: Ledbury

What a journey Ledbury has experienced over the last few years.  I first posted about them in March of 2012 when they were producing high quality dress shirts out of Richmond, VA: Since then, things have EXPLODED. They started producing sweaters.  Then sport coats, then pants, then socks, all along…

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RCS Gift Guide Four: Dear Mr. Fantasy

Moving right along with the RCS gift guides, we are moving on up.  These are the high end gifts that Dear Mr. Fantasy would whole heartedly approve (although he shows no outward emotion).  Need to knock someone’s socks off?  Here you go: From top left: 1. Dubarry Glenview Waxed Jacket:…

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Mark Your Calendars: David Coggins @ Sid Mashburn (ATL)

Atlanta folks – Mark your calendars: David Coggins, the author of the outstanding new book ‘Men and Style’ will be signing his book at Sid Mashburn on Thursday, December 8th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.  Get a chance to shake his hand, get a (signed) book, and look around Sid’s…

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