Yeti and Me – and Cosmo

So this happened yesterday: So far, my experience with Yeti has been through tumblers and other people’s coolers.  After working with the team at Yeti over the past few weeks, it only solidifies that these folks know what they are doing.  I’ve got all sorts of ideas of how I’m…

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Off Season Find: Billy Reid Kentwood Ropers

Seasonality.  Marketing conditions us to need immediately.  However, taking advantage of sales during the off-season can save you some serious coin. I’ve argued that Billy Reid makes some of the best roper boots out there (and a few of my #menswear compadres agree).  I’ve got the Terrance boots, and wear…

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Hand’s On: The Colonel Littleton #1 Grip

Dealing with companies that do it right is such a pleasure.  One of those companies is Colonel Littleton out of Lynnville, Tennessee (Population: 327).  (People).  I’ve used their products for years, specifically their front pocket wallet, which just celebrated it’s tenth year in my possession.  It has only gotten better…

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High Five

What’s piquing my interest these days… 1. An all-American road trip in a British Land Rover (WSJ) ~~~ 2. Boast Polos.  They’ve recently added quite a few.  Super cool.  See the whole collection here. ~~~ 3. Sid & Ann Mashburn give a look into their home…and it’s awesome (GQ) ~~~…

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