2016 RCS Father’s Day Gift Guide

So all of you know, Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19th.  Don’t forget your old man.  You and I both know that he isn’t going to give you any hints, much less a list for a Father’s Day gift.  Lucky for you, I’m here to help. The common denominator for…

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Caption Contest – Jim Harbaugh

Let’s hear your thoughts on this goon.  Caption this photo in the comments section below: Ready?  GO:

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Vintage Porsche Ads

I’m a sucker for good marketing.  I especially like cheeky perspectives…that require a little grin from the reader.  Range Rover did a great job with this, as so did Porsche.  I do love those old Porsche convertibles… I hope you enjoy these as much as I do: Images: Google Image…

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Memorial Day Sales

Ahh…a long weekend.  There are a bunch of you who are probably on the road now heading to the beach, or in line at the airport heading someplace warm(er)…  Use this downtime to rest and relax, but also take advantage of some excellent Memorial Day sales.  I’ve started a roundup…

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