Dating Like a Human Being (Part 3)

Congrats! You’ve asked her out (Part 1), and gone on a great first date (Part 2). Finally, let’s talk about where to go from here—whether you want to see her tomorrow or never again. AFTER THE FIRST DATE Want to see her again? Ask right away. If there is only…

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The JT Spencer Hunting Collection

Quail, Pheasants, Ducks, and Dogs…oh my!  JT Spencer just released their Hunt Collection for Fall 2019, and it is fantastic.  Producers of embroidered emblematic belts, JT Spencer is mostly known for their golf and country club designs.  However, this venture is a welcomed addition to the lineup. The collection features…

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Ledbury’s MTM Atlanta Event – This Week

Atlanta Folks:  The good people at Ledbury are descending on our fine city for a Pop Up Tour stop starting this Thursday going through Saturday.  They are setting up shop at the Waldorf Astoria in Buckhead, and taking appointments now.  I’ve sung the praises of Ledbury for years, and to…

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Early Fall Goods

It was really weird to see the highs dip into the mid-80’s here in late September.  It does remind me of a couple things: 1. we don’t live on the surface of the sun, and 2. Fall is actually coming.  It might be short this year, but it’s coming.  That…

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