More State Traditions Gravy

So tomorrow night is the big BCS National Championship between the Auburn Tigers and the Florida State Seminoles.  All things considered, this should be an awesome game… Auburn may be the luckiest team in the land this year, with wins over Georgia and Alabama in some of the most dramatic…

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It’s BCS Time… Time for a State Traditions Giveaway

Well folks, the college football season is drawing to a close, with the culmination being the final five BCS games including the National Championship.  It’s very bittersweet.  College football is lifeblood ’round these parts, so while the BCS games should be good, it’s tough to think that we will have…

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Here’s to 2014

I can’t believe that Red Clay Soul is in it’s fifth year.  I started this blog way back in 2009 as a hobby, with no idea of the direction it would go.  While I think most would categorize this as a men’s fashion blog, I really enjoy all the other…

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Formal Kicks

Formal events happen, and one of the last things we think about with the penguin suit are the shoes.  Since every man should own a tux, and hopefully most of you are phasing out of the rental option, shoes are an unavoidable necessity.  We don’t rent shoes.  They are the…

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