Review: Duck Head 1865 5-Pocket Chino

5-pockets have become a major player in the #menswear arena.  They are everywhere, and have become an acceptable alternative to khakis and jeans in almost every business casual and weekend casual environment.  And they’re comfortable – they wear like jeans but don’t necessarily require the attention of khakis or dress…

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In Hand: Rhoback Polos

The folks at Rhoback were nice enough to reach out and get my take on their performance Polos.  I’ve seen them pop up on the socials over the past couple months, and immediately liked their approach as a brand.  Rhoback is a newer company that focuses on the ‘active’ side…

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CJ’s 30A

CJ Adams is a good friend and a big time realtor down on 30A.  We’ve known each other for a few years, and I’m really happy to announce that he’s signed on as a partner with Red Clay Soul.  You’ll get to see some of his featured listings in Alys…

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Houston Folks: Fly Tying Event at Gordy & Sons

HOUSTON FOLKS: Join the Gordy & Sons team on their latest fly tying social. The gathering will happen at Cuchara Restaurant on Thursday June 20, from 6-8pm. All you need to do is bring your own materials and vises and Gordy & Sons will have experts, like our very own…

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